Vani Mohit headed several projects during her tenure in the ViDEL, including the characterization of newly discovered microbial mats from the High Arctic. She is presently a Scientific biologist with the Ministère de l'Environnement et de la lutte contre les changements climatiques.
Martyne Audet helped get the lab up and running, was the lab technician, and participated in many projects, including the investigation of viruses in the St. Lawrence River. She presently works at CRIBIQ
Myriam Labbé is now a scientific reporter for the Chronicle-Telegraph, as well as a Research Assistant in the laboratory of Roger Levesque.
Olivia Blenner-Hassett worked on the optimization of methods to produce RNA viromes from aquatic environments. She is presently a graduate student in Lyle White's laboratory at McGill University
Alice Lévesque graduated with honors this year and will be starting a position at the J. Craig Venter Institute in San Diego shortly
Catherine Girard is a now a Assistant Professor in the Département des sciences fondamentales at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi where she intends to continue studying microbes in the North. She can be reached at Catherine5_Girard(commercial at)